Of all the citation styles, the Chicago style in text citation is one of the most widely used formats. Indeed, it is the style that is preferred by the majority of tutors who expect students to submit papers that are correctly formatted and laid out. This quick reference guide sets out the key principles for setting up a paper in the Chicago style. It is a lot easier to use the correct layout from the start and a properly-formatted paper will get you good marks. If you fail to get the format right from the beginning, you will have to go right back to reformat your work when you have finished and this makes the process longer and more troublesome.
Remarkable Guide of Chicago Citation Format and Style
Page Formatting
Your paper may need a Chicago style cover page or it may not but, whatever the case, there are certain rules that apply to the way subsequent pages are laid out in the Chicago style. The academic writers at Geat-Writings.com have provided the following pointers on page formatting:
- When using Chicago manual of style in text citation, allow a 1” margin on all four sides of the page – left, right, top, and bottom.
- Begin each paragraph with a ½-inch indentation and use block quotes (indented) in your bibliography.
- Use a Times New Roman 12pt font so that text is clear and easy to read.
- Type your paper in double-spacing.
- Text should be justified on the left side with a ragged edge on the right-hand side. Newspaper style text should not be used.
- Add a page number in the upper right-hand corner of each page. Page numbering should begin on the first page of text. It is advisable to include your surname as well in case pages become separated. Numbers should run right the way through from the first to last page – up to the bibliography. Your tutor will advise if double-sided printing is acceptable.
Please note that Geat-Writings.com can provide a Chicago style template if required.
Creating a Bibliography
While our writers can provide a Chicago style paper format template to any customers who want one, they have also provided the following tips to help you create a bibliography in this style:
- Start the bibliography for your paper on a new page. Begin by placing the term “Bibliography” in the top center of the page. Use a Times New Roman font for this heading but do not use bold or any large font size – nothing more than a font size of 12 points.
- Make sure to use the correct format, with notes presented in the right style for the topic and bibliography type.
- Each citation entry should begin with a hanging indent i.e. begin the first line at the margin with following lines indented.
- Where a source does not have an author or the author is unknown, you should list the source by title in alphabetic order in place of the author’s name. Do not place these sources in a separate or new list.
- When using the Chicago style citation in text, there is no need to separate primary sources from secondary ones unless you are asked to do so by your tutor.