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Along with the first order offer - 15% discount (with the code "get15off"), you save extra 10% since we provide 300 words/page instead of 275 words/pageImplementation of change entails the criteria, within which an organization utilizes, develops and amalgamates control systems, structures, and organizational culture. The primary aim of change is to increase the organizations competitive advantage, and improve the overall output, including employee and organizational performance. As such, the implementation of change is achieved through strategic phases that include allocation of resources to essential services, development of policies, instituting programs and policies for improvement, and linking results to reward structures.
In light of this, the change implementation process requires a committed managerial team that is willing and capable of adhering to the standard procedures in ensuring that implementation succeeds. Checks are instituted to ensure that the implementation of change is achieved accordingly. Checks and balances provide that the change process is accurately evaluated in order to ascertain that the implementation follows the right course, and is sustainable.
Monitoring Implementation of the Proposed Change
There are various methods, within which change implementation can be monitored in the health industry. For instance, a health institution that is in the process of implementing an automated patient check-in system, strategic organizational processes can be used to monitor change on a phase-by-phase basis.
While the automated system is being implemented, the change process will require evaluating and monitoring to ensure that all systems are functioning according to plan (Kumar & Aldrich, 2010). More importantly, the management monitors the effectiveness and the progress of change implementation through the use of pre-defined milestones. The staff uses the abovementioned processes in order to assess and monitor the change implementation in a more effective and accurate manner. For instance, after installation of the automated patient check-in system, the staff is adequately trained to handle the system; an evaluation process is instituted to monitor progress and performance of the staff, using the new automated system.
In most cases, software developers have readily available support team to ascertain that the system functions at the expected efficiency (Griever, Barnsley, & Harvey, 2011). Additionally, they ensure that staffs, facing challenges in using the new system, are provided with the assistance that they require, in order to function in full effect. Consequently, defined employees are monitored to determine the usability of the new system, as far as their designated duties are concerned. It enables a comparison of various departments or functions that use the process in order to establish the usability of the new system across the organization.
Organizational Relationships
A critical examination of the relationships between organizational systems and processes, as well as the professional and personal roles and their impact on change implementation, are essential for the comprehension and appreciation of the new system. Particularly, an effective implementation of the change process will result in a productive work atmosphere, where individuals and teams are fully aware of their roles. If the change process is not adequately organized, it may lead to minimized efficiency and effectiveness, confusion and frustration (Hornstein, 2008).
Therefore, each department of the health institution should comprise a team leader, responsible for leading each department in the implementation, understanding, and maintenance of the new automated system. Furthermore, team leaders and individual employees should assist those, who are incapable of comprehending the new system. It ensures that both the staff and patients are familiarized with the new system; consequently, no one is excluded. The inclusion of trained personnel strategically ensures that the change process is not impaired because a number of employees are not conversant with the system. Hence, the implementation of the new system proceeds as planned, since staffs are aware of their respective functions in the change implementation process.
Professional and personal roles are essential in the implementation process, primarily in ensuring that employees become effective and efficient users of the new system. Therefore, a significant emphasis on training and educating the employees on how to use the systems efficiency criteria is essential; hence, minimizing learning costs, reducing waiting times, and improving service delivery. The system will require the input of professionals and staff members, such as registration clerks at the reception, nurses, doctors, and various diagnostic departments.
The clerks at the reception will ensure that patients are checked in automatically; therefore, patient information will be integrated with the Electronic Medical Records system in a way that the data will become available to all the relevant professionals and departments (Kumar & Aldrich, 2010). However, the change implementation should be a continuous process, since employees cannot adapt to the new system at the same time. Some employees are slow learners; as a result, transition from paper-based check-in system to automated one must be progressive in order to accommodate such employees.
Communication Techniques
Communication is a critical factor in organization of change implementation processes. Optimal operations and functions within a health institution require an organizational structure that integrates communication in its core system. A new automated patient check-in system requires comprehensive integration with the hospitals communication system (Hornstein, 2008). It guarantees that information is captured and transmitted in real time to the designated medical departments and professionals.
Since the automated patient check-in system will comprehensively replace the paper-based system, communication networking will ensure that all the systems within the hospital are integrated. It will facilitate expedited information processing, sharing and analysis, leading to improved patient care and service delivery (Griever, Barnsley, & Harvey, 2011). In light of this, staff familiarity with the hospitals, communication equipment and techniques is critical.
While the paper-based system required numerous paperwork to be filed and re-filed with various departments, the automated system will require a comprehensive knowledge on how to use the new system. Though employees may have basic computer skills, such as word processing, working with spreadsheets or checking emails, the new system will require more advanced skills. Essentially, an automated check-in system will require capturing accurate patient data, assimilating the data into the system, and transmitting it to the various designated departments.
Since employees have different skill levels in the use of computers, the new automated patient check-in system should be user friendly. However, the staff requires adequate training to ensure that everyone is aware and able to use the new automated system. As such, communication is critical in ensuring that all staffs are adequately informed of change, and prepared to assume their roles in the change implementation process (Hornstein, 2010). Consequently, effective communication will ensure that staff members are more involved in the change implementation process. Therefore, they will appreciate the significance of the change process, its impact on the hospital, and aid in coping with the change. Improved communication techniques will prepare the staff to cope with potential difficulties or challenges during the change implementation process. Furthermore, communication provides that the various departments and functions have aligned goals and objectives during and after the change implementation process.
Change implementation in any organization requires a focused management that institutes strategic organizational processes, conducive to the change implementation. Therefore, staff inclusion in planning and implementing change is essential for a successive systems transition. Management must ensure effective communication exists in the organization that facilitates information availability to the staff; hence, keeping them informed of the changes that require implementation.
Additionally, though communication techniques are critical factors, employees require training on how to use the new system and ascertaining their preparedness to adapt to the new system, when it is activated in the hospital. Change process must be inclusive of all employees without discrimination of the older cadre, who might be slow in embracing the new system. As such, change should be progressive in order to accommodate all aspects of the organization and employees; thus, increasing the success rate of the change implementation process.