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HIV stands for human immune deficiency virus. This is an infection that attacks the immune system of human and destroys the white blood cells. When the virus infects a human body, the body acquires immune deficiency syndrome disease (AIDS). HIV is transmitted through unsafe sexual intercourse both through oral and anal sex. Transfusion of blood contaminated with the virus, may occur from mother to child during birth and sharing milk and because of accident use of sharp objects. HIV can be protected by having safe sex and avoiding sharing of items like needle, pins and syringe. The virus is tested by testing the antibodies which develop in a time of three up to twelve weeks.
HIV affects different age groups in varied numbers and also spread cycle. Young children can contract the virus through breastfeeding and during birth. This risk of transmission can be reduced if proper measures are taken at the pregnancy period, during birth and after birth. The infants up to three years are vulnerable to get infected and diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Young people of between ages (14-45) years are also vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. This is because they are energetic and are at adolescent period that lead them to involve themselves in sexual activities. This young people engage in unprotected sexual intercourse, oral and anal sex. The same age group is involved in drug use where they share same syringe to inject drugs to their bodies. This group of young teenagers spread the virus in a great percentage because they are active and travel and mingle with new people in day to day life. Older generation face improper health care and some elder women are prone to be raped and got infected
When comparing both genders, women are more vulnerable to be infected and diagnosed with the virus and disease. These do not indicate that HIV do discriminate men, but there is a notable difference of men and women living with HIV/AIDS. Women are vulnerable to virus because of reason like, easy transmission, inequities and physical being. During heterosexual intercourse, the vagina lining gives a large surface for infected seminal fluids. Some cultures and believes do not give a chance for a woman to choose when to have sex and do not give the opportunity to choose the safe sex. Anatomical diversity again shows that it is easier to transmit the virus from man to woman. Men, on the other hand, have great rule on a woman and they are the ones who decide whether to have safe sex. Unlike women men are not infected with many STIs and this reduces wounded skins to contact virus (
Underprivileged people are more vulnerable because they lack the money to access proper medical services. Poor families put all income to buy necessary drugs to reduce the strength of the virus. Young women who have less or no income at all start to engage in commercial sex, which increases the rate of infection. Once young working generation got infected they drop from working and the taxes reduce. In return, the government lacks the money to implement on policies and other projects that reduce the rate of virus infection. This put the entire country in a vulnerable state.
Being socially vulnerable refers to the incapacity of institution, people and community to address and solve bad impacts from different stressors of life. These shocks include abuse, hazards and exclusion. Some societies are unable to deal with abuse from some members of their community. Like in the event of rape and forced sexual relationship that is vulnerable it remains unspoken. It makes the victims suffer alone while the virus continues to spread. Exclusion of some members in preventing the virus and development put the vulnerability rate at a high position. This is because they do not get necessary information on how to prevent HIV/AIDS.
The emergency of HIV/AIDS has seen many different non-government organizations which come out to address this disease. Despite these efforts, the political world has done very little or almost anything to curb the infections. There are very few and inadequate policies that have been created and further implemented by the political bodies. There are few efforts to provide adequate syringes to those drug addicts to reduce the amount of infected people. They have not created a good and health standard facility to help in the rehabilitation process ( Political world has not provided enough kits for antiviral drugs and condoms to reduce new infections and virus development. The government is not fully catering or providing the treatment for those who got already infected. Counseling of members of affected families is not well implemented to reduce stigma and discrimination. If the government checked on this, it would reduce the number of infected people.
The difference of economic levels put different people in a varied vulnerability. Poverty in many homes contributes to young women get involved in prostitution practices. This way of earning some cash make women vulnerable and it also contribute to spreading HIV. These low income earners move from one place to another looking for a job. Without doubt it exposes them to different risks and because they lack access to better health facility they become more vulnerable than others. Low income limits education and stimulates to learn more on how to prevent the virus infection.
In conclusion, it is important to put in place procedures or actions that may reduce the amount of vulnerable people in the society. This will include policies and guidelines to ensure that everyone should be treated equally, therefore, the chances to get infected with HIV/AIDS will be less. Education programs in all levels should include a subject to cover everything a young person need to know about HIV/AIDS. This will help to make sure that all citizens from different background and social class access basic facts of HIV infection. Special seminars should be held to advice on how to handle this viral disease. The government should put more efforts into various HIV/AIDS prevention programs. This can be implemented by formulating good policies and by funding those programs. There is a need to put a health facility on the most accessible point in order to make it affordable to all infected and affected people. This will inform about treatment and will give preventive advice for example, how to use condoms in safe sexual intercourse. These factors will help to reduce the rate of infection of HIV/AIDS and will lower the number of infected people.