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Along with the first order offer - 15% discount (with the code "get15off"), you save extra 10% since we provide 300 words/page instead of 275 words/pageSuccess may be defined as achieving the desired outcome or accomplishing certain aims or goals in different spheres of life. Naturally, it is common for people to wish to be successful in their lives. Success is a condition that is often achieved through the mediation of such tools as individual habits and attitudes.
Duhigg and Dweck both advocate the significance of the processes that occur in the human brain whilst attempting to achieve success. Duhigg concentrates on the issue of habits and exchange of negative habits for more positive ones, whereas Dweck elaborates on the importance of the mindset. Admittedly, these approaches have certain features in common since they both focus on the capability of people to progress, which greatly depends on expanding personal limits.
Whereas Duhigg argues that the above mentioned expansion of limits and eventual succeeding in life can be achieved by means of altering ones habits, which appear to be an integral part of human nature, Dweck elaborates on the significance and complex nature of each individuals mindset. Personality is a very complex and multidimensional unity. Every person has a variety of different external and internal processes happening at the same time. Sometimes, those processes contradict each other. For example, a person can have a strong desire to be promoted at work, but simultaneously, on a subconscious level, the same person my fear additional responsibility, pressure, etc. Hence, this person does not get promoted and does not achieve success at work, accordingly.
People often have difficulty resisting their usual habits. In his book, Duhigg explores the significance of patterns that shape every aspect of human lives. These patterns are peoples habits. Moreover, he highlights the great potential of the human nature for transformation and adopts an approach that every habit has three key components, such as a cue, which is an automatic trigger for a certain behavior to start, a routine, which is behavior itself, and a reward, which helps ones brain remember that pattern for the future. He then proceeds to highlight the significance of focusing on the patterns and learning how to control and adjust them in accordance with ones needs and ambitions.
Human habits might be of different character. Some habits appear destructive in their nature, whereas others are more advantageous. Also, there is such a notion as keystone habits. According to Duhigg, keystone habits are those that once altered, and are able to start the chain reaction and inspire transformation of a number of other habits that occur in various spheres of live. Hence, he argues that learning how to reprogram the routines of ones life is utterly important and presents an effective tool of achieving success. Other important character traits are behavioral inhibition and self-discipline. These qualities can help people in making their choices should the products of well-considered decision-making.
Duhigg also provides a technical definition of habits. According to this definition, habits are the choices deliberately made by people at some point, after which they stop thinking about those choices, but continue doing the adopted routine activities, often every day. Hence, when learning how to control habits, Duhigg promotes setting specific motivational goals and changing the habits in order to achieve those goals. Thus, a goal appears to be a single shift in perception that can touch off a series of changes that can ultimately radiate out to every part of ones life.
In order to be able to manage individual habits and develop an appropriate mindset aimed at achieving success in life, it appears useful for one to possess certain character traits. Among such traits are willpower and persistence. Admittedly, these habits and attitudes are capable of leading a person to success. If a person has the power of will, he or she will find it much easier to control and change the habits and regulate mindset. Also, Duhigg claims that the most effectual way to change habits is by premeditating cues and rewards. However, this might not necessarily be easy to achieve. In such case, a person needs to show persistence and the power of will.
Among the major factors that influence peoples success in school, sports, business and life are individual attitudes and habits of every person. They might either contribute to achieving success in a chosen sphere or do the opposite. Having taken the time to perceive and analyze people as creatures of habit along with an option to modify those habits to make them better creatures, it becomes apparent that this curious tendency is of key significance to achieving success. Similarly, one might make a conclusion about the persons mindset, which presents a more general frame within which decisions are made, the worldview is formed, and the habits function in one way or another.
In her book Mindset, Dweck also addresses key factors that influence peoples success in various spheres of life. She argues that initially, the cause of the failure or success may be either internal or external. That is, people may succeed or fail due to the influence of factors that might originate from the internal human nature or from some external sources. In order to be able to control those factors and use their influence wisely in favor of ones personal goals, Dweck suggests exploring the notion of a mindset and learning to perceive things in a constructive manner.
In Dwecks book, she comes to a conclusion that people can have various mindsets in regard to their abilities and talents and that these mindsets can actually make a big difference. Some people believe that their abilities, and talents are fixed attributes thus they possess a certain amount, and that is as much as they can get. Such attitudes are defined as a fixed mindset. Conversely, other people have what Dweck refers to as a growth mindset and believe that their abilities and talents can be developed through perseverance, hard work, and mentoring. Hence, growth mindsets appear more capable of acquiring and cultivating the features necessary for achieving success.
Admittedly, people with fixed mindsets do not have the courage to face and deal with challenges. They usually prefer to shy away, whilst they perceive their personal deficiencies as permanent and are not willing to reveal them. Moreover, people with fixed mindsets are not as resilient when facing difficulties and obstacles because they perceive them as assailing their underlying abilities. Hence, according to Dweck, resilience and challenge-seeking appear to be the key factors of success.
Conversely, people with the growth mindset follow the belief that every person is capable of developing his or her abilities, and that the key to success in this case would be dedicated effort. Such people perceive challenges as a positive experience that helps learn new things. Hence, difficulties appear to be something that helps an individual to develop certain abilities.
Achieving success in a chosen sphere of life is a complex and continuous process that demands significant effort and implies a number of composite and interconnected character features. Those features, when adequately developed and skillfully applied, may serve as an effectual tool for achieving success. Among the main factors that may lead a person to success are such character traits as persistence, resilience, challenge-seeking, and willpower. All in all, persons habits and attitudes appear to play a decisive role in leading people to success.