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Studying Organization

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1. Identify the major observations Professor Grey makes about bureaucracy and Scientific Management and discuss how these observations have specifically assisted and enhanced your understanding of organizations.

First, Grey introduces this book by giving a reader the pertinence of studying organizational behaviors. He affirms that organizational behaviors entail empowered people to become better managers. Moreover, he adds that when people become better managers, this will enable an organization to be more effective (Grey, 2005). Now, he perfectly brings out the issue of bureaucracy by arguing that the functioning structure of any organization plus the behavior of groups or individuals within an organization is of relevance to managers. This is where managers base their administrative issues to better the organization as a whole. In addition, the first chapter reviews the application of theory in organizational behavior practice and the significance of such theories.

According to Professor Grey (2005), management is not something new for as long as people have been embracing civilization management. According to Chapter 6 concerning leadership, Professor Grey says that the military have the responsibility of effectively managing people resources as well as people. It is through Chapter 6 of this article where one can find the differences between leadership and management. This observation by the Professor has actually built an idea of viewing an organization as a firm that needs good guidance. For any organization to get to its limelight, the only route is proper management (Grey, 2005). Therefore, all that managers have to put into consideration when carrying out management role is to understand how a manager should structure and design organization and work. Second, managers should also understand how to best manage people in any given organizational context.

2. Professor Grey in the last chapter of his text suggests a number of reasons Why Should Studying Organizations Matter to You? Outline each of these reasons and provide your opinion as whether each reason is valid and why you believe it so.

It is true that Professor Grey adds value to readers, or rather learners, on the importance of studying organizational matters. Some of this importance is that organizational sturdy improves personal understanding and behavior as well as that of the others and of organization as a whole. He puts it clear by saying that knowledge is for the sake of knowledge. The second one is actually to enable people to be positive and competent in the field of managers, which afterwards people can use to improve the effectiveness of any given organization by challenging how things are actually done and perceived and not just for its own sake. Afterwards, they will be capable to bring about change.

The truth of the matter is that the above reasons are actually valid, since organization behavior will gear the hidden treasure in us, and hence make us identify ourselves. After this identification, people can effectively specialize themselves in a place they can work and be productive, hence encouraging specialization. Another importance of studying organization according to Professor is educating people to be better managers. This is actually true, because it is only due to management that people will learn how to manage their own firms or businesses. Consequently, it is agreed that studying organization has an impact which is always positive to learners since they can apply to the same on any given organization. Considerably, this book is really educative when it comes to organizational management plan. If anyone who wishes to either start a firm and needs to be a manager somewhere, this book will not only give him/her directions, but will also give a perfect route to success.

3. Select two of the following thinking styles/models discussed in class, identify the main ideas behind the styles/models, and demonstrate using a specific and concrete example the value of using the style/model.

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One of the thinking styles is the concrete. This is a very important value since it allows one to register information directly to the brain via five senses. Some of the senses are the sense of taste, sight, smell, and hearing. According to the research, the use of concrete is very pertinent since one will be dealing with the obvious, which experts assert to be now and here. In short, the concrete assumes that you are not looking meanings that are hidden or at the same time making concepts and ideas or relationships. Another thinking style of mood is the abstract. This is also pertinent since it allows one to conceive or visualize believing, or rather understanding, which one cannot actually see.

According to the researchers, using abstract as ones thinking mode or style involves the use of ones imagination, and intuition, and so one will be looking beyond the term what is to a perspective that is more subtle to implications. Many people have both the abstract and concrete thinking styles, but they prefer to use one at a time. This makes encoding of any given message an easier task to puzzle. The only difference is how to use it. For instance, a person who uses abstract as his or her main natural strength will use more subtle ways to either get or pass a point across.

Another supportive issue of ordering ability when it comes to the style of thinking is the random or sequential. Sequential allows one after thinking over an idea to present information is a more sequential manner. On the contrary, this allows one to organize ones ideas or information by chunks.

4. W.L. Gore and Morningstar are examples of self- management organizations. Examine these two organizations, identify the common principles on which they were based, and provide your opinion as to whether the self-management model can be duplicated in existing companies. Ensure that you have provided a solid rationale for your position.

In these two organizations, the principles of self-management that are portrayed are the human, technical and conceptual skills. First, it is pertinent to note that all the above noted principles involve controlling, directing, organizing, and planning in an effective manner.

This is because when it comes to human skills, which is seen to be dominant here, some of the issues that are evident are the general understanding of purposes, techniques of management, and also the factual knowledge. These are the main ideas and issues that are portrayed in these organizations, which actually illustrate how human skills can be used to evidently manage and run an organization. When it comes to technical side, it is evident that in the two organizations, the phenomenon of theory understanding and underlying assumptions is brought out. The limitations of data management and concepts, and procedural rationalization incorporated by comprehension are witnessed. These are some of the principles that the above two organizations based their management rule on, and so they related in that manner. In my opinion, self-management can be duplicated in any given organization as long as good strategy is set and then followed. All that the managers should consider is to understand whether the strategy, or rather the principles, will bring a positive impact to the organization.

Generally, this paper emphasizes the phenomenon of good organizationally principles. It goes ahead to evaluate the importance of organizational study to any given organization. It further acknowledges the role played by Grey in illustrating organization features and the importance of adhering to them.

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