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Defining Author Styles
Every writer has his unique style of writing that is characterized by specific word choice and language use. Some writers prefer to use the nicknames to see the real reaction of readers and critics referring to their writing. However, professional critics can easily recognize creative manner of every famous writer. The most vivid part of every story of a particular writer is his language. Other specific components that can be used in the process of recognition include the plot structure the development of the action and the effect of presenting the denouement of the story.
The sphere of emotions produced by the stories of a particular author can also be used, as emotions that arise after reading of the stories of the same writer are similar. As a vivid example, the James Joyces stories can be used. Two stories Araby and Eveline are under consideration for this assignment.
Specific art features of his creative manner Joyce manifested not only in the thematic focus of the stories, but also in their particular stylistic structure. In both stories Joyce pays attention to the inner world of his characters. He shows a process of deepening in the mysteries of the soul of his protagonists. Throughout the plot, a reader gets a detailed image of this world. Joyces prose in the two stories is laconic, thin, contrasting with the inner richness and rhythmic grace.
Specificity of Joyces stories is reflected in the fact that he was able to depict everyday lives in a nearly naturalistic manner with a large force of empathy at the same time. The stories are objective and, at the same time, emotionally colored.
Joyce is always very attentive to the language of his works. The author uses the word not only to narrate, describe in detail the subject, but also to have a sense of color, smell and emotion. The chosen two works are peculiar with a particular musical, strictly designed theme, intonation and stylistic link between the stories themselves. Joyces stories are perceived as a single, sad and tragic musical tone. Rhythm and intonation of the narrators experiences demonstrate the development, paying attention to the means of expression of the authors position. The plot of the stories is organized in such a way that a large load falls to the rhythmic tone of a narrative.
The theory of magnetic style can be easily seen in the two stories. They both belong to one cycle of the stories Dubliners and are characterized by a single thematic line from the very beginning. However, even not knowing that the two stories belong to one particular writer it is very easy to detect one particular hand that created them. The plot of the stories is similar, as the main character has some amazing idea in the beginning and in the course of development of the action he/she looses the power to make a step forward and imlement the idea.
The stories are filled with harmony that is realized in the strict organization of significant details, images and symbols carried by all accounts like a leitmotif and similar to themes in a musical composition. Any specific part gets its meaning from the whole.
This shows harmony and integrity of the story. Thus, the principle of harmonic composition unites the two stories and is evident in two stories, and even in a single phrase, organized on the principles of musicality and rhythmic repetitions.
Epiphanies are directly related to the principle of reflection of life in the stories. In fact, Joyces epiphanies present an attempt to give shape, artistic image of concentrated static course of a life. They are used to show life as it is in a specific place in a certain period of time, but aesthetically transfigured. Epiphany creates a feeling of poetic perception of truth. By depicting an ordinary life of people in the two stories, James Joyce manages to show the beauty of the life and presents routine artistically.
The originality of the art form that Joyce uses and what makes his different from other writers is in the understanding of the essence of epiphanies. This style works the best for the thematic network of his stories.
Joyces stories reach artistic expression through art music counterpoint, setting a tone to each string. The principle of contrast and disharmony is manifested in the images of heroes, as well as in the composition of short stories. The boy in the story Araby experiences quite the opposite states: unrestrained pursuit of the ideal and complete frustration. Joyce tries to give elegant appearance to the formless course of events, and every character has a specific tone.
In the stories of Joyce, the key moments are the stages of characters spiritual development that is concentrated at the end of both stories. Each character usually experiences the collapse of hopes, life principles, and that become aware of lifelessness and emptiness of their lives at the end of the story. Finals of these two short stories are written in different rhythmic and emotional ways, rather than the whole story. They take a close look into the story; go back to the beginning of the story in order to rethink its contents.
Joyce connects the end of the story with its beginning and the event returns to the initial stage of the situation. The character judges, evaluates and clarifies his/her life at the end of the story. Reading and comparing the endings of the given two stories it is possible to conclude that the author leaves no hope to characters to change their life. Joyce makes the reader think, but his characters fail.
In the stories Araby and Eveline, the main thing is to create a single mood and an atmosphere. This attitude is the expectation of happiness, longing for happiness. The ideological motive of the two stories is the desire, the elusiveness of happiness. It sounds in all the repeated variations and summarizes all topics at the end of the story. The unity of sound is inherent in the stories of Joyce. Rhythm and intonation are used as means to put the reader in the position of the perceiver or the narrating character. Gradually, repetition of certain words and phrases forcing an atmosphere of paralysis of the situation intensify the tragedy in the final pages.
The internal rhythm of the narrative, subtle transitions from the author to the indirect speech, a particular emotional tone of the stories create the image of the associative flow of thoughts of all heroes with a weakening of the external actions in the story create a complex construction of each story.
Features of the authors position, the principles underlying the organization of the narrative, musicality, and style of the writer reflected in the structure of the narrative help to define the characteristic author style. The genre and stylistic features of Joyces stories allow concluding that the writer is a great master in the genre of the story, as it has a number of typological features characteristic for his works.